Snob Story


From 2009 to 2019 I worked in the Boston Seaport, the redeveloped industrial area that went from cheap mud lots to pricey hot spots in what is now commonly known as an invented “neighborhood” for rich socialites. Despite that, I was able to find a reliably good Italian sandwich within a 3 minute walk of my office, and that’s really what mattered. 


When I changed jobs in the summer of 2019, moving to Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood I expected to find even more great lunch options in such an historic neighborhood. Much to my dismay, the Italian sandwiches in the Back Bay were lacking in quality leaving me no choice but to start on a quest for the ultimate Italian sandwich.


What makes the perfect Italian sandwich? Is it the bread? The meats? The toppings? Or is it the perfectly balanced combination of all of those, paired with the perfect cheese and a touch of dressing, all within a convenient walking distance of work. Find out more each week as I search for perfection and casts aside the lazy imposters.